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WOD – Mon, Sep 16


Today we run on fresh legs. This often brings a different intensity and that is the goal. The optimal outcome today would be for us to start at a threshold pace and fight to hold it throughout. Some of your fastest paces should occur within the 3-6 rounds if you are really pushing your capacity. Consider scaling distances OR scaling overall volume. We would love to see a minimum of 1:00 rest per round.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Run 400m easy


**Everything for 10 yards, followed by 10 yard jog**

High Knee Pull

Shin Up

High Knee Side Pull

Toe Walk

Heel Walk

Toe OUT Walk

Toe IN Walk

High Knee

Butt Kick

“A” Skip

“B” Skip



Front to back leg swings x 10 each

Side to side leg swings x 10 each



2x 100m jog, run, sprint (sprint should happen at final 15 yards)

Workout (8 Rounds for reps)

RXConditioning/ Intermediate/ Baseline:

Every 3:00 x 8

400m Run

Cool Down (AMRAP – Reps)

Tabata Push Up

:20 on/:10 off x 8 rounds for max reps!

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