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WOD – Thu, Sep 12


Posterior dominance. Today we dive head first into posterior strength + conditioning. The sets of deadlifts listed should be working sets, so be sure to allow for adequate build up reps to allow that to be our reality. In today’s conditioning, burn it down with sprint style intervals only separated by 1:00 rest. The key is to really focus on finding a load that, after the strength training, allows your focus to be highly cyclical and high intensity.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run


10 stationary high knees

10 stationary butt kickers

5 broad jumps (building in distance each round)

3 rounds


10 standing single leg high kick (5 each)

10 light Russian KB swing

2 rounds


Deadlift prep

Deadlift (3-3-3-3-3
Every 3:00 x 5 sets
All working sets. 80-90% 1rm is the load goal.
Workout (Time)


100m Run

10 Body weight deadlifts

1:00 Rest

5 rounds for time

Scale to be able to hit the load in 2 sets or less. The reps should not be slow or contrived, scale for lighter vs. slower reps. The stimulus here is about a fast run and a fast set of deadlifts.


100m Run

10 Deadlifts – 70% of body weight

1:00 Rest

5 rounds for time

Scale to be able to hit the load in 2 sets or less. The reps should not be slow or contrived, scale for lighter vs. slower reps. The stimulus here is about a fast run and a fast set of deadlifts.


100m Run

10 Deadlifts – Unbroken

1:00 Rest

5 rounds for time

Scale to be able to hit the load in 2 sets or less. The reps should not be slow or contrived, scale for lighter vs. slower reps. The stimulus here is about a fast run and a fast set of deadlifts.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

1:00 foam roll glutes and hamstrings each leg


2:00 pigeon stretch each leg

Optional Flow (Checkmark)

*This can be done any day of the week, no coach needed. It is designed for members who are feeling sore and beat up but would like to come into the gym and can have available space to move.

5:00 Easy Run

20 Cossack Slide Link: Cossack slide

10 Inch worm

5:00 Easy Bike

30 Hollow Rock

30 Kneeling banded twist each side Kneeling Band Oblique Twist

5:00 easy Ski or Row

30 Banded face pull

30 Banded Row

2 rounds for quality

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