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WOD – Tue, Sep 10


Today is heavy + a little gut check. The legs, midline and focus will be taxed by the time we reach the conclusion of our strength work. Today the goal is to remain unbroken and successful in each rep scheme but really toeing the line with what you are capable of. Consider 1-2 reps in reserve for rep prescription or starting your first set of 5 around 72-75% 1rm if you know that for your front squat. After we finish you get 1 shot of 60 seconds all out on the echo bike. It is short, sweet and should create fear and excitement in your belly! This is a great benchmark measure of lower body power output, go get it!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

:30 Bike/:30 rest

X 6 building intensity/ speed throughout each interval


5 Wall squat (facing wall, squat therapy style)

5 Goblet squat (light but to help vertical torso through squat)

5 Air Squat

3 rounds of focused quality technique + warm up


Front Squat

2-3 reps until reaching first weight for working sets.

Front Squat (10 Rounds for reps)


All working sets.

Every 3:00 x 30:00 execute 1 set.

Possible for 3 athletes to share 1 working station through rotation sequence.

Workout (Calories)

RXConditioniong/ Intermediate/ Baseline:

1:00 max effort cals Echo Bike

*Full send. Go get it!*

Cool Down (Checkmark)

400m Easy walk

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