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WOD – Sun, Sep 1

Power Clean and Jerk (Weight)

15:00 to establish a heavy single.

oday’s caveat on the strength is no reset in between the clean and the jerk. We want to catch in the receiving position and immediately redirect that load to the overhead position. Looking to build explosive power here today. Newer athletes may work to refine each movement today as well.

Heavier Grace (Time)


For Time

30 clean and jerks 185/125


For Time

30 Clean and jerks 135/95


For Time

30 clean and jerks 95/65

The goal today is to work with a heavier barbell today. Whereas in traditional grace we are expected to move really fast for 30 reps today we will be forced to slow down the rep cadence and make sure that every rep is quality. Experiment with a heavier weight load that is out of your comfort zone.