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WOD – Thu, Aug 8


Strength today is to be built each round. As listed below and as many other days in this specific block of training, we are focused on quality of movement over quantity of load. The curse of most CF athletes is to chase immediate load or speed and ignore technique. It puts an early ceiling on where your journey can go. Move better, then get heavier. Today’s conditioning should be scaled to take around 3:00-3:30 per round. It will build local muscle endurance and hypertrophy on the shoulders and triceps.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

10 banded pass through

10 banded strict press (stand on band)

2 rounds


10 jumping jack

10 plank shoulder tap

10 lateral bar jump over

10 standing upright row (barbell, no legs)

10 push press (empty barbell0

3 rounds

Push Jerk (5 Rounds for reps)

Every 3:00 x 5 sets

Execute 5 push jerks

*Goal today is to focus on the quality of your reps. Focus on extending the hip all the way each rep by squeezing your butt as you jump the bar overhead. The second focus should be on the overhead position and receiving the bar overhead with the legs and hips flexed as if at the top of an overhead squat. Guide load selection based on quality of movement today.

Workout (Time)


5 Wall walk

15 Burpee box jump over (30’/24’)

30 Shoulder to overhead (75/55lb.)

2:00 Rest

5 rounds


3 Wall walk

15 Burpee box jump over (24/20’’)

30 Shoulder to overhead (55/35lb.)

2:00 Rest

5 rounds


2 Wall walk

10 Burpee box jump over (plate stacked on floor’)

20 Shoulder to overhead (25/15lb.)

2:00 Rest

5 rounds

Cool Down (2 Rounds for reps)

2x max effort chin over bar hold (scale so that chin can be held over bar for :15 minimum)