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WOD – Sat, Aug 31


Today we play at the “school yard”. Athletes will be in 2 person teams with 1 athlete working at a time through a movement. Each movement is finished by each athlete and then they move to the next. They will work through as many rounds of the workout as possible in 5:00 and then have a 3:00 “rest” period where they must run 400m together before beginning the next round!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

100m Run

10 Push Up

100m Run

10 Spiderman

100m Run

10 Scorpion

100m Run

20 Alternating lunge

100m Run

10 Burpee broad jump

“School Yard” (AMRAP – Reps)


50ft. Burpee broad jump

50ft. MB overhead walking lunge (20/14lb.)

50ft. Bear crawl

5:00 AMRAP

3:00 Rest (during rest teams must run 400m together)

3 rounds for max reps

1 rep= 25ft. Of all movements

Each round consists of 6 reps per partner for 12 total reps.


50 ft. Burpee broad jump

50ft. MB overhead walking lunge (14/10lb.)

50ft. Bear crawl

5:00 AMRAP

3:00 Rest (during rest teams must run 400m together)

3 rounds for max reps

1 rep= 25ft. Of all movements

Each round consists of 6 reps per partner for 12 total reps.


30 ft. Burpee broad jump

30ft. MB bearhug walking lunge (10/6lb.)

30ft. Bear crawl

5:00 AMRAP

3:00 Rest (during rest teams must run 200m together)

3 rounds for max reps

1 rep= 15ft. Of all movements

Each round consists of 6 reps per partner for 12 total reps.

Cool Down (3 Rounds for reps)

3x max strict pull up (minimum work is 5 reps, use a band to help meet minimum work requirement but keep all reps strict.)