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WOD – Mon, Aug 26


Today we kick off the week with some high skill high capacity work. Get dialed in on the squat snatch from a position and tissue perspective from the warm up onward. Get to class a little early if you know you need more work to prep the shoulders or the knees to hit the good positions that will be demanded of you today. Our goal is to build to a heavy single as the percentages suggested are merely your cap for the day, but the idea is to have no “missed” lifts as you build. Then we will challenge how well you can cycle “singles” at a threshold heart rate for the conditioning!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

200m Run


5 PVC Pass through

6 PVC Overhead lunge

8 PVC Overhead squat

2 rounds


3 Snatch grip deadlift

3 Muscle snatch

3 Over head squat

3 Power snatch

3 Squat snatch

1 round


2 Squat snatch (building each round to 60%)

5 Kipping swing

3 Pull up variations of choice

4 rounds

Squat Snatch (Build to 85%-90% 1rm
Every 1:30 for 8 sets
Execute 1 Squat Snatch
Workout (Time)


3 Squat Snatch at 80% 1rm

200m Run

15 Chest to bar pull up

1:00 Rest

4 rounds for time

Stimulus: 2:00-2:45/round working window


3 Squat Snatch at 80% 1rm

200m Run

15 pull up or banded pull up

1:00 Rest

4 rounds for time

Stimulus: 2:00-2:45/ round working window


3 Squat Snatch at 80% 1rm

200m Run

10 Banded pull up or jumping pull up

1:00 Rest

4 rounds for time

Stimulus: 2:00-2:45/ round working window

Cool Down (Time)

1 Max effort supinated dead hang from pull up bar


2:00 Bike or Row