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WOD – Sat, Aug 24


Today is a similar test to the final at this year’s Crossfit Games. We put a bit of a spin on this event and have designed it for 2 people to attack as a team! Some of the week is broken up however you see fit, and other work is designed to be synchro. Pay close attention to your team’s capacity and strategize on the best way to get the work done for you. Thruster load should be scaled to be able to achieve 12 unbroken reps if asked by coach.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

4:00 AMRAP with partner

10/7 cal Row or Bike

While other partner does single unders or double under practice

*Rotate each round as partner finishes bike or row cals


5 Air squat (3 count down each rep)

5 Plank shoulder tap each side

5 Kip Swing

2 rounds


3 Front Squat

3 Push Press

3 Thruster

3 Strict Pull Up or Variation to scale

2 rounds


*practice kipping pull ups and load barbell to workout weight.

**First load of workout should be able to be cycled for 10 reps at a time minimum by each partner. If you choose to allow the load to be very challenging for one partner that can still work as long as the other athlete knows what they are in store for.

Workout (Time)


Part 1

48 Thrusters (95/65lb.)

24 Synchro pull ups

100 Double Unders (split)

21 Synchro pull ups

42 Thrusters

*Thrusters and double unders can be split however teams decide.

Rest 3:00

Part 2

36 Thrusters (135/95lb.)

18 Synchro Bar Muscle Ups

100 Double Unders

15 Synchro Bar Muscle Ups

30 Thrusters


Part 1

48 Thrusters (75/55lb.)

24 Synchro pull ups (banded or jumping optional)

150 Single Unders (split)

21 Synchro pull ups

42 Thrusters

*Thrusters and double unders can be split however teams decide.

Rest 3:00

Part 2

36 Thrusters (95/65lb.)

18 Synchro Chest to bar pull up (banded or jumping optional)

100 Double Unders

15 Synchro Chest to bar pull up

30 Thrusters


Part 1

30 Thrusters (35/15lb.)

24 Supported Synchro Pull up (standing on box)

150 Single unders (split)

21 Synchro pull ups

24 Thrusters

*Thrusters and double unders can be split however teams decide.

Rest 3:00

Part 2

24 Thrusters (35/15lb.)

18 Supported synchro pull up

200 Single unders (split)

15 Supported synchro pull up

24 Thrusters

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike or Row easy pace


1:00 couch stretch each


1:00 pigeon stretch each