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WOD – Fri, Aug 2


Split jerks today are all about technique in the receiving position. The more we create consistency and stability in that lunge position, we will have more ability to jump heavier loads over our head. Today’s conditioning is one for the memory books. It will challenge you. How bad do you want to compete with you? How bad do you want to improve your capacity? How much are you willing to dig and be uncomfortable? You’ll find out those answers today.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Row/Bike


1 Wall Walk

:10 Wall facing handstand hold

:10 Dead hang (rig)

3 rounds


10 Curtsy lunge

10 DB strict press (light)

10 DB Upright row (light)

10 Kipping swing

2 rounds


5 DB Thruster (light)

5 Strict chin up or ring row

2 rounds

Split Jerk (5 Rounds for reps)

Every 3:00 x 5 sets

3 split jerks (each reps hold for 2 seconds in the “catch” position)

*Today we are refining your receiving position. We want firm legs, upright torso and consistency. All of these are more important than the weight you move.*

Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


2:00 AMRAP/ 2:00 Rest for 4 sets

20 Pull up

20 Thruster (95/65lb.)

Max bar facing burpee

Standards are for athletes to have :30 to do bar facing burpees. They should scale accordingly with the understanding of fatigue accumulation over time.


2:00 AMRAP/2:00 Rest for 4 sets

20 Pull up (banded)

20 Thruster (65/45lb.)

Max bar facing burpee

Standards are for athletes to have :30 to do bar facing burpees. They should scale accordingly with the understanding of fatigue accumulation over time.


2:00 AMRAP/2:00 Rest for 4 sets

15 pull Up (jumping pull up or ring row)

15 Thruster (15/PVClb.)

Max bar facing burpee (step over bar)

Standards are for athletes to have :30 to do bar facing burpees. They should scale accordingly with the understanding of fatigue accumulation over time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

1:00 pigeon each leg

:30 lat stretch holding onto the rig

:30 pec stretch each side