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WOD – Mon, Aug 12


Today we emphasize improvement and capacity of the snatch. For strength, it is a visit to heavier loads for a movement we hit last week. The goal is to build capacity and ability to transmit greater forces in the snatch through more strength and better sustainable positions. The conditioning should be seen as relatively short and sweet. Today singles may be something everyone gets down to at some point but we shouldn’t look at the weight we use to do the workout as a weight we NEED to do singles with. You should feel as though you can rattle off 10 unbroken reps of whatever load you choose!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m easy run


2 inch worm + push up

4 Spiderman + twist

6 Scorpion

2 rounds


7 Ground to overhead (light plate)

7 Bent row (light plate)

4 Box step up/ 4 box jump + step down/ 4 box jump over

3 rounds (advance movement on box each round)

Strength (5 Rounds for reps)

Every 2:00

Above the knee hang snatch pull

5×8 at 75-85% 1rm.

*Positions matter here. Focus on passing through the power position each rep as you drive through the legs and shrug. While this puts an emphasis on Oly strength, it is certainly a movement that builds hypertrophy in the upper and mid back which is the base of power transfer and stability on all barbell lifts.

Workout (Time)


50 Power Snatch for time.


EMOTM including 0:00 execute 6 Box jump overs (24/20’)


50 Power Snatch for time.


EMOTM including 0:00 execute 4 Box jump overs (24/20’)


30 Power Snatch for time.


EMOTM including 0:00 execute 4 Plate jump overs (6’/4’’)

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3x:45 wall sit (holding DB’s or KB’s at side to make it a loaded hold)

Rest as needed.