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WOD – Sat, Jul 20


Today’s workout can be broken up in any way you’d like between you and your partner for 23 minutes!

This hero workout is dedicated to Royal Canadian Mounted Police Constable Heidi Stevenson who died on April 19, 2020, while protecting others during a mass shooting that took place in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.

The rep scheme signifies the number of years she served in the force.

We first saw this workout posted by CrossFit NCR @crossfitncr (Ottawa, Canada) to honor Cst. Stevenson.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

10/7 Cal row or bike


10 Step up

Alternate rounds with partners

4 total rounds


4 Air squat

4 Push up

4 Light KB swing

4 Lunge/jumping lunge

4 Sit up

4 Box jump + step down

3 rounds for practice not speed (build KB weight + after round 1 demo jumping lunge)

Heidi (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


AMRAP in 23 minutes

23 Air Squats

23 Push-Ups

23 Kettlebell Swings (53/35lb.)

23 Jumping Lunges

23 Sit-Ups

23 Box Jumps (24/20 in)


AMRAP in 23 minutes

23 Air Squats

23 Push-Ups

23 Kettlebell Swings (35/20lb.)

23 Jumping Lunges

23 Sit-Ups

23 Box Jumps (24/20 in)


AMRAP in 23 minutes

23 Air Squats

23 Push-Ups

23 Kettlebell Swings (20/15lb.)

23 Lunges

23 Sit-Ups

23 Plate jumps

1:00 Rest after each round

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×10 DB Bicep curl each arm


3×15 Superman (1 count hold to finish each rep)