Today is the usual welcomed day where you get a break from the valiant hero workouts and get challenged in a slightly different intensity. Today can create a high level of soreness and intensity if you choose. Be sure to scale back the volume of V ups if you struggle with the movement. Push the ergs today, no soreness will come of that, just high level cardiorespiratory fitness and an unshakable mind.
1:00 bike or Row or Ski
X 3 rounds (alternate ergs)
3 hip down push up
3 pike push up
6 Lateral bridge raise each side
8 Hollow rock
3 rounds
5 V up
10 Superman
2 rounds
Every 3:00 x 10
20 V Up
20/15 Cal Bike/ Row
**Alternating rounds on ergs.
Every 3:00 x 10
15 V Up
15/10 Cal Bike/ Row
**Alternating rounds on ergs.
Every 3:00 x 10
10 V Up
10/7 Cal Bike/ Row
**Alternating rounds on ergs.
3x 25 Banded good morning or
3x 20 GHD hip extensions