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WOD – Thu, Jul 11


No hero today. You can go hard if you feel good and count on this session to not be a high level of destruction, or add to your already existing soreness from these hero workouts. If you need today to be dialed back and simply “get the work done” this is a good type of session for that to happen as well! Motion is lotion–so coming in to train, even if you are sore is often better than not doing anything at all, just dial back the intensity.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Row or Bike


10 Light single arm KB Swing (each arm)

10 V Up

3 rounds


5 single leg/ single arm toe touch (each side)

10 lateral banded shuffle steps right

10 lateral banded shuffle steps left

10 banded steps forward (knees out, pressure into band)

10 banded steps backward (knee’s out, pressure into band)

2 rounds


Prep for deadlifts + Row strength work

Strength (4 Rounds for reps)

Every 3:00 execute 5 touch and go deadlifts x 4 sets

Goal here is to start around 70% 1rm deadlift and build if possible.

During the same 3:00 window you should execute 10 single arm bent over rows with DB’s or KB’s each arm.

Low Destruction Conditioning (Time)

RXConditoning :

300/250m Row

30/20 Cal Bike

100 yrd. Sled push (25lb. Each side men/ 15lb. Each women)

2:00 Rest

4 rounds for time.

Intermediate: empty sled for men and women

Baseline: 200/150 row + 15/10 cal bike + empty sled for 3 rounds

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×10 Turkish get ups (5 each arm)