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WOD – Wed, Jul 10


Nineteen City of Prescott (Arizona, USA) firefighters, members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team, tragically lost their lives on June 30, 2013, while fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire, which was ignited by lightning two days prior. It was the deadliest wildfire in Arizona’s history.

In memory of: Jesse Steed (36), Wade Parker (22), Joe Thurston (32), William Warneke (25), John Percin (24), Clayton Whitted (28), Scott Norris (28), Dustin Deford (24), Sean Misner (26), Garret Zuppiger (27), Travis Carter (31), Grant McKee (21), Travis Turbyfill (27), Andrew Ashcraft (29), Kevin Woyjeck (21), Anthony Rose (23), Eric Marsh (43), Christopher MacKenzie (30), Robert Caldwell (23).

Warm Up (Checkmark)

2:00 Bike

2:00 Row

2:00 Run / 400m-ish

1 round


3 No push up burpee

3 Air squat

6 Ground to overhead (no weight)

3 Squat jump

3 rounds for quality


:30 hang from rig (supinated grip, accumulate)


5 Air Squat

5 Muscle Clean (empty barbell)

3 strict pull up or ring row

10 Stationary high knee’s

3 rounds

Strength/Primer (Weight)

Build to a heavy touch and go power clean in 10:00

*Goal here today is to touch some challenging weight before we get into this long workout. No pressure for a lifetime best, just prime your body so that the weight you select for today’s WOD feels light on round

Hot Shots 19 (Time)


6 Rounds For Time

30 Air Squats

19 Power Cleans (135/95 lb)

7 Strict Pull-Ups

400 meter Run

Time Cap: 36:00 Time cap

Intermediate: 95/65lb./ Strict banded pull up

Baseline: 4 rounds total. 20 Air Squats or to box +

35lb./15lb. (Hang power clean)+ 7 jumping pull up or ring row + 200m Run

Cool Down (3 Rounds for reps)

3×12 Single Arm DB Overhead Tricep extension

Rest as needed.