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WOD – Thu, Aug 1


Back squats don’t have to break the bank today, we are getting in quality reps of full ROM and upright torso squats. Then we are all go on conditioning today. The interval will give you more than enough time to get the work done but the goal is not to abuse that time domain. The goal is to hit the interval at threshold pace which means about as fast as you can and still be able to repeat 4 more times.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run


3 inch worm

6 Spiderman stretch

8 Walking lunge with overhead reach

24 Stationary high knees

24 Stationary butt kicks

2 rounds


5 Air squat

5 Squat jump

5 Drop squat

2 rounds

Back Squat (4 Rounds for reps)

Every 2:00 x 4 sets (tighter window for strength work today, lighter loads)

Back Squat


All squats done between 65-70%1rm

Workout (Time)


Every 5:00 x 5

30/24 Cal Row or Bike

400m Run

For time.

Rest the remainder of the time interval. Your score is your average working time of your intervals combined.


Every 5:00 x 5

24/20 Cal Row or Bike

400m Run

For time.


Every 5:00 x 4

16/12 Cal Row or Bike

200m Run

For time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Seated banded hamstring curl

3×15 each leg


3×10-25 Hollow rock

Rest as needed between supersets.