With a Partner complete the following 3 Sets
Strict Press
3×11-13 reps Load it up, slower down than up.
Supinated Inverted BB Row
Crossover-Step Down
3×10-12 (5-6 reps a side) Slower down than up tempo. Load w a KB or DB
3 station done in 4 minutes or less
Rest 1 minute
8 Rounds of:
4 DB Front squat 50/35 35/20 20/10
6 DB Bench (go heavier here if desired)
8 V-ups / Knee ups / Crunches
8/6 Cal bike
3-5 Minute Bike
1:00 Couch stretch L-R
1:00 Pigeon stretch L-R
3 minutes Biking Rowing Running
Walking Overhead Lunge (PVC) Backward Walking Overhead Lunge (PVC)
Monster walk (banded)
Lateral Monster walk (Right 25ft.) (Left 25ft.)
Bear crawl