Today’s work is split between you and a friend! And it includes a movement that may be some of your very first time trying. It is a burpee/toes to bar hybrid. Each toe to bar is separated by a burpee–talk about midline massacre. The run should go down together as a pair, but all the other work can be broken up however you decide.
200m Run each
50 Cal Row or Bike (split between 2)
5 Inch worm
10 Kipping swing
10 Alternating lunge
10 No pushup burpee
2 rounds
1 Wall Walk
5 hanging kipping leg raise
5 kipping toes to bar
2 rounds
Wall walk
Burpee toes to bar
400m run
For time
Flow: 30 wall walk, 30 burpee toes to bar, 400m run, 20,20, 400m run, 10,10, 400m run
Runs must be done together as a partnership.
Wall walk
Burpee + hanging leg raise
400m run
For time
*consider scaling range of motion on wall walk
Wall walk or inch worm
V up
200m run
For time
3×24 DB hammer curl (12 each arm)
3x 12 DB lateral raise
Rest as needed.