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WOD – Fri, Jun 7


If you haven’t hit Fight Gone Bad RX’d before, today could be your day! And you will soon find out why Coach Glassman designed this and then shortly after titled it “Fight Gone Bad”–not “Fight Gone Right”. Pacing is key today, using each minute to its max is important. Get the juice where it is worth the squeeze. You can’t ignore effort on any movement BUT you should understand that the rower will reward you less than the push press and sumo deadlift high pull! Consider how you spend your effort and also the time allotted for each movement before you begin to rotate.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Row or 400m Run


6 Box steps ups

6 Box jumps

6 Sumo deadlifts

6 Upright Row

6 Sumo deadlift high pull

2 rounds (empty barbell or KB)


5 Push press

5 Wall ball squats

5 Wallball

2 rounds (empty barbell)


Load bars and set up class to how you prefer it for workout and run through each movement by doing 5 reps at each movement 1 full round.

Fight Gone Bad (AMRAP – Reps)


1:00 wallball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

1:00 sumo deadlift high pull (75/55lb.)

1:00 box jump (20’)

1:00 push press (75/55lb.)

1:00 row (cals)

1:00 rest

3 rounds for max reps


1:00 wallball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)

1:00 sumo deadlift high pull (55/35lb.)

1:00 box jump (20’)

1:00 push press (55/35lb.)

1:00 row (cals)

1:00 rest

3 rounds for max reps


1:00 wallball (10/6lb.) (9/8ft.)

1:00 sumo deadlift high pull (25/15lb.)

1:00 box jump (20’)

1:00 push press (25/15lb.)

1:00 row (cals)

1:00 rest

3 rounds for max reps

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Weighted plank


*plate on back