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WOD – Wed, Jun 5


This benchmark is our first mixed modal test of the week! We will run, swing and pull up. This includes a mono structural piece, a weightlifting piece and a gymnastics move. No matter what your weakness of the 3 is, you’ll need to face it today. Historically this is a big emphasis on running for CrossFit athletes that have been at it for a while and have learned the kipping pull up and are strong enough to hang onto the KB for unbroken rounds, so…how willing are you to run FAST?!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run


10 Walking lunge + overhead reach

10 Kipping swing

10 Scorpion stretch (5 each)

5 inch worm

2 rounds

Weighted Pull Up (5 Rounds for reps)

Every 2:00 x 5 sets

Execute 3 weighted pull ups (strict)

Or scale to eccentric pull ups with a 4 second lower! If you don’t have strict pull ups you can then kip up or jump up using your legs.

Helen (Time)


400m run

21 KB swings (53/35lb.)

12 pull ups

3 rounds for time


400m run

21 KB swings (35/20lb.)

12 banded pull ups

3 rounds for time


200m run

15 KB swings (15/10lb.)

10 ring rows

3 rounds for time

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×10 Turkish get ups (5 each arm)