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WOD – Mon, Jun 3


This is a benchmark testing workout for ring muscle up capacity. This is often one of those workouts people struggle to see the value in, but it is obvious to those who pursue overall fitness. These skills involved in the muscle up, or your ability to not have one are exactly why we need them. Is it your pulling strength? Is it your pressing strength? Or is it simply that you’ve got both of those and lack the skill and coordination needed to make the full movement happen? There is nothing more relevant in life than attacking any of those weaknesses headlong to develop and further your fitness journey. Today, scaling is key, not to make the workout easy but to really refine the appropriate challenge to grind and fight to improve for 4-8 minutes.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

200m Run

200m Row

1:00 Bike

3 rounds building intensity throughout!


10 banded pass through

10 band pull a parts

10 scap pull up

10 scap push up

2 rounds

Strength/Skill (Checkmark)

15:00 of ring practice/development

Kneeling ring muscle up

Ring row ring muscle up

False grip muscle up (strict/kip)

Kipping RMU (no false grip)

Use this time to improve and also scale for workout to come.

Workout (Time)


30 ring muscle ups for time


30 strict chest to bar/strict/banded pull up

30 strict ring dip

For time


30 kneeling ring muscle/ring row muscle up

For time

Cool Down/Burner (AMRAP – Reps)

2:00 max push ups

2:00 rest

2:00 max cal row

Score is total reps