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WOD – Sat, Jun 29


Today we have elements of synchro tied into the partner workout and also times where the unique fitness will be tested individually out on the runs. Scale run distances a touch to meet athletes where they are or help the balance between fitness amongst pairings.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

200m Run

3:00 Row (1 partner at a time, switch every :30)


5 Scap push up

10 Mountain climber

10 Spider-Man (5 each)

5 no push up burpee broad jump

10 sit up

3 rounds

Relays (Time)


200m Run (partner 1)

30 Synchro medball throw sit ups (20lb.)

200m Run (partner 2)

30 Synchro Burpee

4 rounds for time.

*Each round, the person who ran 2nd, must be the first to start the next round of running!*

**Synchro medball throw sit up is both partners lay down and sit up at the same time, 1 person has the medball through the movement and tosses to the other person. Essentially each person does 30 sit ups each round but only 15 are weighted.


200m Run (partner 1)

20 Synchro medball throw sit ups (14lb.)

200m Run (partner 2)

20 Synchro Burpee

4 rounds for time.

*Each round, the person who ran 2nd, must be the first to start the next round of running!*


100m Run (partner 1)

20 Synchro sit up

100m Run (partner 2)

15 Synchro Burpee

4 rounds for time.

*Each round, the person who ran 2nd, must be the first to start the next round of running!*

Cool Down (Time)

Wall Sit……until last man or woman standing.