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WOD – Wed, Jun 26


Do we have another PR in the tank?! Anyone going 3/3 to start the week? Amazing if so! Often as we get years into this methodology, PR’s are harder and harder to come by. So that means if you are new and enjoying the fruits of being a newbie, soak in the moments! After we deadlift, we get after a pretty “heavy WOD”. This will test our ability to breathe heavy, execute skills and move tough weights. The glaring balance of work to rest should imply that we want you getting after in the time provided for the work to be done. Go get it on the row, get as many reps as you can there–the reps are designed to be harder to achieve in the next 3 minutes.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Row or Bike


10 Thoracic rotation in bottom of squat

10 Spider-Man + Twist

10 Scorpion

2 rounds


10 Ground to overhead (light plate)

5 Scap pull up

5 Kipping swings

5 Strict leg raise or T2B

10 Air Squat

3 rounds

Deadlift (5 Rounds for reps)

Every 3:00 x 5 Execute 1 set, ascending in load to a potential 1rm!


Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


1:00 max cal Row


3:00 AMRAP

5 Bar muscle up

4 hang Squat Clean (205/135lb.)

3 Front Squat

4:00 Rest

3 rounds


1:00 max cal Row


3:00 AMRAP

5 Banded/ Jumping BMU or 5 burpee pull up

4 hang Squat Clean (135/95lb.)

3 Front Squat

4:00 Rest

3 rounds


1:00 max cal Row


3:00 AMRAP

5 Banded Chest to bar pull up + 5 Push Up

4 hang Squat Clean (45/30lb.)

3 Front Squat

4:00 Rest

3 rounds

Cool Down (Checkmark)

1:00 butterfly stretch

1:00 Lat stretch each arm (holding rig or band attached to rig)