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WOD – Fri, Jun 21


Today we get out of the big 3 for strength and focus on olympic strength and skills! The snatch is a big limitation for many and those limitations exactly highlight the reason this lift is THE LIFT for lifting. If you can squat snatch until the day you die, I know you will be living a very full life. For conditioning today there is no barbell or weight in sight, just body weight and mono structural conditioning!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

20 Stationary high knees

20 Stationary butt kicks

10 stationary lateral bounds (5 right, 5 left)

3 rounds


3 Air squat

3 Squat jump

5 PVC Pass through (standing)

5 PVC Pass through (bottom squat)

3 rounds

Snatch Balance (Checkmark)

3×3 (PVC, Empty barbell, Trainer bar, etc.)

*Focus on speed under and receiving the bar in overhead squat, not a push jerk into an overhead squat)

High Hang Squat Snatch (8 Rounds for reps)

Every minute on the minute x 8 minutes

Execute 2 High Hang Squat snatch

*50-75% 1rm.

**The high hang demands that the barbell stays in the hip crease and shoulders stay back and stacked on top of hips during the dip. The dip portion should mimic that of a push press.

Workout (Time)


10 Burpee to rig

10 Knees to elbows

10 Box jump over (no touch) (24/20’)

10/7 Cal Row

1:1 Work to rest (however it takes, that’s how long you rest)

4 rounds for time.


10 Burpee to rig

10 Hanging leg raise

10 Box jump over (step down) (20’)

10/7 Cal Row

1:1 Work to rest (however it takes, that’s how long you rest)

4 rounds for time.


7 Burpee to rig

10 V Up

10 Jump to plate or step up

7/5 Cal Row

1:1 Work to rest (however it takes, that’s how long you rest)

4 rounds for time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3-5 minute easy bike or row