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WOD – Thu, Jun 20


Who doesn’t love a good bench press day?! Ok, maybe not everyone does, but most enjoy it. This lift is one that can help enhance your overhead strength, handstand push ups, dips, push jerk, push press, ect. So let’s see what we have today! Conditioning is a traditional couplet that combines 2 movements that do not interfere with one another which allows for high power output but will demand high level fitness to keep going at RX’d loads. Scale so you can do touch and go reps for 1 set of 9 if asked, not that you have to do the workout that way.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run


10 Banded pass through

10 Band pull-aparts

10 Banded face pulls

2 rounds


5 Scap push up

5 Scap pull up

:10 Handstand hold on wall or free standing

5 push up

10 KB swing

2 rounds

Bench Press (5 Rounds for reps)

Every 2:30 x 5 sets execute


Start at 70% 1rm and build to a heavy single.

Workout (Time)


5 rounds for time of:


Power Clean (155/105lb.)

Ring Dip


200m Run

*Flow: 9 Power clean, 9 Ring dip, 6,6,3,3, Run 200m…..Repeat.

Each round consists of 18 Power Cleans + 18 Ring dips + 1x200m Run.


5 rounds for time of:


Power Clean (95/65lb.)

Ring Dip (Banded)


200m Run


5 rounds for time of:


Power Clean (45/30lb.)

Kneeling Push Up or Jumping Dip


100m Run Or 100m Row

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Accumulate 2-4 minutes of Hollow Hold