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WOD – Wed, Jun 19


After yesterday’s deadlifts, your central nervous system may be a little fatigued! This means that you may feel “good” and not be too sore but you simply may notice the weights not moving as fast or feeling as light as they typically do. This is ok and expected. Give what you can with what you have today on the squats and do your best to not “fail” any sets, even if that means leaving a little potential in the tank. We will follow this same approach to next week’s sets to see what we can finish the month with! Today’s conditioning has strict pull ups which nicely act as a place where your heart rate will drop a touch. Use a band if you can’t do them and don’t kip today!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run


10 Banded pass through

10 Band pull a parts

10 Banded face pulls

2 rounds


5 Scap push up

5 Scap pull up

:10 Handstand hold on wall or Free standing

5 push up

10 KB Swing

2 rounds

Back Squat (5 Rounds for reps)

Every 2:30 x 5 sets execute


Workout (Time)


15 Strict Pull up

500m Row or 24/21 Cal Bike

21 GHD Sit Up (32 Abmat sit up)

4 rounds for time.


15 Banded Strict Pull up

500m Row or 24/21 Cal Bike

21 GHD Sit Up (32 Abmat sit up)

4 rounds for time.


15 Leg supported Strict Pull up

250m Row or 12/8 Cal Bike

18 Abmat sit up (use band for sit up aide if needed)

4 rounds for time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×24 Hammer curl


3x 15 Banded face pull