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WOD – Fri, Jun 14


Today is all about high capacity. This being our second heavy squatting day of the week, you should mind how your body feels. But understand the big goal here is to experience a micro cycle of strength work that will create durability to capacity entering the summer season. We prefer all the sets be working sets, not simply you building to a hard set of 2. Today’s conditioning is 1:1 work to rest that will develop power output specifically in the lower body. The hang squat cleans should be on the heavy side and should present a load that you can do for some reps but need to drop to reset before time expires.

Warm Up

3:00 Row or Bike


1:00 couch stretch each leg

1:00 pigeon stretch each leg


3 narrow stance air squat

6 Jumping jack

3 normal stance air squat

6 Jumping jack

3 sumo stance air squat

6 Jumping jack

3 rounds


3 Goblet squat with 4 count lowering phase (increase weight each round)

6 Box jump (step down, alternate legs)

3 rounds

Back Squat (5 Rounds for reps)

Every 3:00 x 5 sets execute


*all working sets


**Be sure to leave time for teaching/practice hang squat clean

5-6 minutes with group

Workout (AMRAP – Reps)


4 rounds 2:00 / 2:00 rest max reps

15 box jump overs (30/24’)

Hang squat cleans (185/125lb.)


4 rounds 2:00 / 2:00 rest max reps

15 box jump overs (24/20’)

Hang squat cleans (135/95lb.)


4 rounds 2:00 / 2:00 rest max reps

15 box jump overs (12/8’)

Hang squat cleans (45/30lb.)

Cool Down (Checkmark)

1:00 couch stretch each side

1:00 pigeon stretch each side