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WOD – Wed, Jun 12


Heavy Deads and a chipper, that should feel like a blur! The 30 reps programmed today for each movement isn’t meant to create much tissue damage or local muscle conditioning, it is meant to be a fast, race pace high intensity cardio piece. STarting with the row, lay down a piece that makes you a bit uncomfortable and test your ability to hold on and go! Scale the complexity of the gymnastics or scale back the volume if you can hit the movement RX’d. Remember it is essential for you to “vary” your scaling as much as it is our workout period. If you scale the same ways too often, you will never progress past that scaling and that is ALWAYS the goal! The deadlift weight should allow you to see yourself able to do 10 at once with no problem. If that weight looks really heavy, scale it back to a more moderate load for you.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

10/7 Cal row

30 Jumping jack

3 rounds


:20 dead hang

:20 push up + shoulder tap

:20 mountain climber

3 rounds


3 inch worm

6 no push up burpee

8 light American KB Swing

3 rounds

Deadlift (5 Rounds for reps)

Every 3:00 x 5 sets


All working sets, ascending through sets.

Workout (Time)


30 cal row

30 chest to bar pull up

30 deadlift (225/155lb.)

30 bar-facing burpee

30 GHD sit up

For time


30 cal row

30 banded chest to bar pull up

30 deadlift (165/115lb.)

30 bar-facing burpee

30 GHD sit up to parallel or 45 abmat sit up

For time


20 cal row

30 jumping pull up or ring row

30 deadlift (65/45lb.)

30 burpee

30 supported sit up (band or similar to help sit up)

For time

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Accumulate 2-3 minutes of an L sit.

Pick a challenging variation that allows for :30 unbroken to start.