Just like yesterday the goal with the strength work is to load up all sets to be working sets. For conditioning today we have a triplet and it’ll be a fast one! At least, it is supposed to be quite fast. The movement redundancy may create quite the problems for many as that is where the challenge will be found. Keep the inverted pressing strict regardless of the level of scaling you need to develop more upper body strength and stability and use your legs a good bit on the push press!
400m Run
10 Scap push up
10 Scap pull up
20 Shoulder tap
10 Spider-Man stretch
2 rounds
10 Light DB Strict press
10 Light DB Upright row
10 Light DB Bent row
20 Stationary high knees
20 Stationary butt kicks
3 rounds
Every 3:00 x 5 sets execute
*all working sets
200m run
10 strict HSPU
10 db push press (50/35lb.)
3 rounds for time
200m run
10 strict HSPU + abmat (or pike off box HSPU)
10 db push press (35/20lb.)
3 rounds for time
100m run or 200m row
10 pike HSPU
10 db push press (15/10lb.)
3 rounds for time
3x 12 bent over rear db raise
3x 10 dumbbell curl