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WOD – Mon, Jun 10


Today we squat heavy to start the week and your goal is to go heavy for all 5 sets. Really put an emphasis on getting physically prepared to open your first set around 70-75% 1rm and increase as we go. For conditioning, we have a very simple couplet that provides a unique challenge on grip that can go ignored by many. The front rack will interfere with your ability to hang onto the rig a bit for toes to bar, be aware and break the T2B up early and often. This will help you remain moving through the time window!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

4x 50ft. Lateral shuffle

50ft. Walking lunge

50 ft. Backward lunge

50ft. Lateral lunge

2 rounds


10 Hollow rock

10 kipping swing

5 Goblet squat with 2 second pause in bottom (light)

5 KB thruster (same as above load)

3 rounds


3 Pause back squat

3 Back squat

3 Squat jump (bar on back if possible)

2 sets

Back Squat (5 Rounds for reps)

Every 3:00 x 5 sets execute


*all working sets

Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


8 minute AMRAP

8 front squat (165/115lb.)

12 toes to bar


8 minute AMRAP

8 front squat (105/70lb.)

12 hanging leg raise


8 minute AMRAP

8 front squat (35/15 lb.)

12 V Up

Cool Down (Checkmark)

2×25 banded good morning