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WOD – Thu, May 9


Today is a shoulder free day! This means no hanging and no pressing. That means we turn our focus on sprint style conditioning to start the day with the some sled intervals and then some not so sprint training in the form of our conditioning, long work.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00 count stretch each leg

1:00 pigeon stretch each leg

1:00 pancake stretch


25 ft. high knees

25 ft. butt kickers

100ft. Lateral shuffle

25ft. Straight leg kick

2 rounds

Sprint Intervals (6 Rounds for reps)

Sled push (45lb. on each side for men/ 35lb. on each side women)

6x 50 yrd. push each for time.

2-3 minutes rest between efforts.

Not So Sprinty (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


40 Russian KB Swing (70/53lb.)

30 Cal Bike or Row

1:00 Wall Sit (no hands on legs)

20:00 AMRAP


40 Russian KB Swing (53/35lb.)

30 Cal Bike or Row

1:00 Wall Sit (no hands on legs)

20:00 AMRAP


30 Russian KB Swing (20/15lb.)

20 Cal Bike or Row

:30 Wall Sit (Range or depth may be limited here)

1:00 Rest

20:00 AMRAP

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×20 Standing landmine twist (10 each side)

*Control the down and accelerate the bar on the way up.