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WOD – Wed, May 8


Strength + Stamina is the focus for the upper body strength movement today–the bench press! Although it doesn’t come up a ton in CF style competing or in benchmarks, the bench press is a staple movement for development of upper body strength and power. This lift contributes to many of our classic crossfit moves and can enhance many upper body gymnastics pressing movements. Today’s conditioning may not be as popular by demand as the bench press. With no weights in sight, we are going with some fun threshold distance runs accompanied by two complimentary body weight movements.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run


10 Walking lunge with overhead reach

:10 handstand hold against wall

:10 supinated grip dead hang

10 Hollow rock

3 rounds


5 Kipping swing

5 kneeling explosive push up

5 Strict pull up or ring row

10 Sit up

3 rounds

Bench Press (6 Rounds for reps)


For load.

Every 3:00 execute a working set of Bench Press. Treat the sets each as an important stimulus and goal to have the largest loads moved throughout all 6 sets as possible. Hard to give specific ranges for percentages here today due to the varying levels of fitness. The fitter you are the better you will manage the fatigue built from set to set and increase the chances of success with higher loads relative to your own strength. The less endurance you have the more you will need the higher rep sets to be lighter percentages of your own 1 relative 1rm.

Workout (Time)


800m Run

42 Toes to bar

42 Hand release push ups

600m Run

30 Toes to bar

30 Hand release push ups

400m Run

18 Toes to bar

18 Hand release push ups

For time.


800m Run

42 Hanging leg raises

42 Hand release push ups (kneeling/worming)

600m Run

30 Hanging leg raises

30 Hand release push ups (kneeling/worming)

400m Run

18 Hanging leg raises

18 Hand release push ups (kneeling/worming)

For time.

*if gymnastics skills can be sustained as RX’d but need to be modified in volume to do so, make that your first option before changing the movement!


400m Run/walk

42 Lying Leg raise (Hold rig or KB overhead for anchor)

42 kneeling or wall push up

300m Run

30 Lying Leg raise (Hold rig or KB overhead for anchor)

30 Kneeling or wall push up

200m Run

18 Lying Leg raise (Hold rig or KB overhead for anchor)

18 kneeling or wall push up

For time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×12 Dumbbell or kettlebell bent row

Slower down than up tempo.