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WOD – Tue, May 7


Weak legs = weak mind.

You may have heard the quote or not, but it doesn’t change that it is fact. There is another popular quote that Jimmy Johnson once shared about how “fatigue makes cowards of us all.” Where do you think most fatigue comes from? It’s your legs. They are the largest working muscles in our frame and consume a ton of our daily energy and get us from place to place, up and down, and all around. If you don’t train your legs to increase your capacity, what are you doing? If your body goes…’s typically due to lower body limitations….as we age, we lose balance, as we age we lose flexibility and durability. This doesn’t just happen in the legs but when it does in the legs, everything else goes fast. We fall, we can’t get up, we break bones, we can fend this off by the choices we make in the gym today. Get strong, challenge yourself, and go heavy. Then…..good luck with all the dubs and don’t worry, then the stress goes to your upperbody.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

5x :30 Row or Bike/ :30 Rest


:30 Double Under practice/ :30 Rest

5 rounds


10 PVC or Banded good morning

10 Lateral Lunge (5 each leg)

10 Spiderman + Twist (5 each leg)

2 rounds


5 Air Squat

5 Goblet Squat

5 Wall-facing Squat

2 Wall Walk

2 rounds 5x :30 Row or Bike/ :30 Rest


:30 Double Under practice/ :30 Rest

5 rounds


10 PVC or Banded good morning

10 Lateral Lunge (5 each leg)

10 Spiderman + Twist (5 each leg)

2 rounds


5 Air Squat

5 Goblet Squat

5 Wall-facing Squat

2 Wall Walk

2 rounds

Back Squat (4 Rounds for reps)


For load.

Every 3:00 execute a working set of Back Squat. Treat the sets each as an important stimulus and goal to have the largest loads moved throughout all 6 sets as possible. Hard to give specific ranges for percentages here today due to the varying levels of fitness. The fitter you are, the better you will manage the fatigue built from set to set and increase the chances of success with higher loads relative to your own strength. The less endurance you have the more you will need the higher rep sets to be lighter percentages of your own 1 relative 1rm.

Workout (Time)


300 Double Under

15 Wall Walks

3:00 Rest

150 Double Unders

10 Wall Walks


150 Single Under

6 Wall Walks (partial range)

3:00 Rest

100 Single unders

4 Wall Walks (partial range)

3:00 Rest

50 Single Unders

2 Wall Walks (partial range)

For time.

*This group should look to create a particular challenge with keeping as many singles in place as possible to reach a similar stimulus of challenge and time as the other 2 groups. If Wall Walk ROM can be kept to RX then that is the first goal, and minimize reps accordingly after that.

3:00 Rest

100 Double Unders

5 Wall Walks

For time.


150 Double Under

12 Wall Walks

3:00 Rest

100 Double Unders

8 Wall Walks

3:00 Rest

50 Double Unders

6 Wall Walks

For time.

*This group should try to do double unders in order to sustain or build the skill, even if that means reducing the volume of reps dramatically. They can mix in singles but encourage to keep the skill demand if possible.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×12 Single leg calf raise (stand on plate or something that creates a deficit for the heel)

*use load by holding DB in same side as working leg.)


3x :30 Cross body shoulder stretch