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WOD – Mon, May 6


Starting the week off with skills while we are fresh and focused! This time to practice and refine wherever you are with rings skills can dictate your future success. Wherever you are in your journey, your goal is to improve and continue to fight for it regardless if you are in month 1 or year 17 of CrossFit. Hold the standard. Then we have some classic combos, but in unique time domains. Scale the sumo deadlift high pulls and box jump overs so you have a chance to work for 1:00 minimum each round.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run


10 PVC pass through

5 Sumo inch worms

10 Step ups

3 rounds


5 Ring Row

5 Ring dip (use legs as spotter if needed)

5 Box Jump + Step down

5 Sumo deadlift high pull (light KB)

3 rounds

Skill (Checkmark)

10 minutes of ring muscle up skills/progressions

  • Low kneeling ring muscle up drill
  • Ring row muscle up drill
  • Banded ring muscle up transition drill
  • Jumping ring muscle up
  • Seated ring muscle up drill
Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


3:00 AMRAP

20 Sumo Deadlift High pull(75/55lb.)

20 Box Jump Over (24/20’)

Max Ring muscle Ups

2:00 Rest

X 4 rounds


3:00 AMRAP

20 Sumo Deadlift High pull(65/45lb.)

20 Box Jump Over (24/20’)

Max jumping ring muscle up or Banded

2:00 Rest

X 4 rounds


3:00 AMRAP

20 Sumo Deadlift High pull(20/10lb. KB or DB)

10 Box Jump Over (10/5 plate stack)

Max 3 kneeling push up + 3 Ring Row

2:00 Rest

X 4 rounds

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Banded Facepull



Dumbbell cuban press


Rest as needed between supersets.