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WOD – Sat, May 25


A fun team style workout where everyone works at the same time. This will end up being a long 25:00 so hopefully you ate your best breakfast this morning and it was assisted by proper caffeination! The idea here is to pick a load for each athlete that allows for unbroken complexes. It is ok for this to take some strategy or pacing, but if you have to start breaking up the complexes the load is too heavy for today.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

20 Jumping Jack

20 Seal Jack

20 Mountain climber

10 Spider man stretch

2 rounds


3 Deadlift

3 muscle clean

3 Air Squat

3 Front Squat

6 body weight lunge

2 rounds


3 Deadlift

6 hang power clean

8 Front rack lunges

3 sets building to working load for team.


5:00 of jump rope/double under practice.

Maximum Threshold (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)



3 Deadlift

6 Hang Power Clean

8 Front Rack Lunge

16 V Up

36 Double Under



Max cals bike or row

AMRAP 25:00

Partner 1 and partner 2 both work at the same time today. But pairs may only rotate after partner 1 concludes all of their prescribed work at their station prior to switching spots with partner 2 on the erg.



3 Deadlift

6 Hang Power Clean

8 Front Rack Lunge

16 V Up

48 Single unders (or 36 lateral bar jump overs)



Max cals bike or Row

AMRAP 25:00

Partner 1 and partner 2 both work at the same time today. But pairs may only rotate after partner 1 concludes all of their prescribed work at their station prior to switching spots with partner 2 on the erg.



3 Deadlift

6 Hang Power Clean

8 Front Rack Lunge

16 Crunch

24 Single under or plate jumps

25/15lb. Barbell


Max cals bike or Row

AMRAP 25:00

Partner 1 and partner 2 both work at the same time today. But pairs may only rotate after partner 1 concludes all of their prescribed work at their station prior to switching spots with partner 2 on the erg.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

1:00 pigeon stretch each leg

1:00 couch stretch each leg