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WOD – Thu, May 23


Go heavy, go big, then run fast and go unbroken. That really is the goal today. Push the run tempo and select a weight and rep scheme on today’s workout for you to go unbroken. The idea is to create approximately 1 minute of rest opportunity or more each round. If you see that the work on the run is quite slow then you will need to scale the wall ball work to provide ample time to repeat the efforts.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

:30 Bike/ :30 rest

X 6 sets with a partner


1:00 bottom bottom squat hold

*press out on knees with elbows, keep chest tall, feel as though your legs are resting*


10 Stationary high knees

10 Stationary butt kickers

10 Straight leg high kick (5 each)

10 Step back lunge (5 each)

10 Lateral lunge (5 each)

2 rounds


1×5 Front Squat with 2 count pause in bottom

3×3 Building front squat sets with no pause building to first working set.

Front Squat (6 Rounds for reps)


Execute 1 set every 3:00

Load it up and shoot for a working set on each listed set here! The goal is to build to a heavy single through the early sets and then of course keep the weight as heavy as you can through the high volume “strength endurance” sets.

DOMS (Time)


Every 3:00 x 5 sets

200m Run

20 Wall balls (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

For time.

*Score each round and add total time for final score.


Every 3:00 x 5 sets

200m Run

15 Wallballs (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)

For time.

*Score each round and add total time for final score.


Every 3:00 x 5 sets

100m Run

15 Wallballs (10/6lb.) (9/8ft.)

For time.

*Score each round and add total time for final score.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3:00 easy walk, bike or row


1-2 minutes of pigeon each leg