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WOD – Sat, May 18


Today we are getting after a traditional chipper style partner workout. The work can be split up however the partnership decides on each movement and round. The goal is to keep the rep count going up as fast as possible. The push press toss will fatigue the upper body more than you may assume, it adds up quick, especially considering the hang power snatch to follow! The goal is to select loads for each partner that allow for 10-15 reps unbroken at once before passing to the teammate. The limitation today shouldn’t be the load, just the conditioning!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

10 Frames of Rowing today!

The goal is to row to 100m and get it right on 100m. The meters you are away from 100 is your score, i.e. 96=4 or 104=4, once you row each frame you should execute 1 no push up burpee for each meter you are away!


3 rounds for quality of:

7 Banded pass through

5 empty barbell muscle snatch

9 Hollow Rock


Prep movements for workout.

Workout (Time)


100 Push Press Wall ball toss (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

100 Hang Power Snatch (75/55lb.)

100 Sit Up (GHD)

2 rounds for time


100 Push Press Wall ball toss (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)

100 Hang Power Snatch (75/55lb.)

100 Sit Up (Abmat)

2 rounds for time


100 Push Press Wall ball toss (10/6lb.) (9/8ft.)

100 Hang Power Snatch (45/35lb.)

100 Sit Up (band assisted)

2 rounds for time

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×1:00 Wall Sit

*hold a KB or DB in goblet position if you can!