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WOD – Mon, May 13


Ok team, we kick off this week with fresh legs and full hearts! Go get these squats! Load it up on the low reps and see what you can do while sustaining quality reps and full range of motion. Yes, if you don’t go low enough, it doesn’t count. There is no point in being strong in a short range of motion, you only get strong where you train strength–GET LOW! The conditioning today is short and should be fast. Select a DB load that allows you to know you can do 20 unbroken if it was asked of you. For knees to elbows, believe it or not, you must touch your knees to your literal elbows. This would be a no rep if the leg makes contact with anywhere above or below the elbow, that is in fact NOT the elbow. If you scale and you just hit your arm, that is totally fine, just not RX’d.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike or Row


10 Walking lunge

10 Lateral lunge

10 Spiderman + Spinal twist

10 Scorpion

2 Rounds


5 Air squat

5 Kip swing

5 Goblet squat (with 2 count pause in very bottom) light KB

5 Burpee with no push up

5 Rounds for quality

Back Squat (6 Rounds for reps)


Execute 1 set every 3:00

Load it up and shoot for a working set on each listed set here! The goal is to build to a heavy single through the early sets and then of course keep the weight as heavy as you can through the high volume “strength endurance” sets.

Short, Sweet, Something Neat (Time)



Knees to elbows


Dumbbell Push Press (50/35lb. Each arm)

For time.



Knees to elbows


Dumbbell Push Press (35/20lb. Each arm)

For time.



Lying leg raise


Dumbbell Push Press (10/5lb. Each arm)

For time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×15 GHD Hip Extension

You can add weight to your body here for a challenge!