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WOD – Tue, Apr 30


Today we attack the upper body in the form of bench press, then tack on a mere 150 push ups to follow. The pump will be felt and soreness throughout the week will likely follow. Remember soreness is good, and ok, but should be monitored. The goal with a day like today is to build a baseline of strength and endurance that doesn’t allow pressing stamina to be a limiter as much as it currently may be for some. Scale the workout today first by reducing the load of the push up by dropping to knees or “worming up” and keeping the double unders as a skill even if that means reducing the amount of reps done.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

20 Jumping jacks

20 Seal jacks

1:00 Jump rope skills

2 rounds


:10 Supinated dead hang

8 Scorpion (4 each side)

10 Banded pull a part

10 Banded upright row (stand on band)

3-5 Hand release push up

3 rounds


Build up to first working set of bench press and get set up with class!

Strength (6 Rounds for reps)

Bench Press


*Similar to yesterday’s deadlifts, our strength will play on this “rise and fall” rep scheme through working sets with varying movements to build both volume and overall strength!*

Rest 3:00 between sets, all sets must be working sets, this means hard. Don’t know where to start? Open with 10 at around 65-70% and adjust from there.

Workout (Time)



Hand release push up

3x Double Under

For time.

Flow: 50 HR push up, 150 double under, 40 HR push up, 120 double under etc.



Kneeling hand release push up

2x Lateral jump over bar (or reduce double under volume to RX movement)

For time.

Flow: 50 HR push up, 100 lateral jump over bar, 40 HR push up, 80 lateral jump over bar etc.



Kneeling hand release push up

Lateral jump over bar (or reduce double under volume to RX movement)

For time.

Flow: 25 push up, 25 jump, 20 push up, 20 jump etc.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×12 each arm single arm bent row (use a bench to support knee and off hand)


3x :20 pec stretch on rig
