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WOD – Wed, Apr 3


Upper body, horizontal pressing today! Get stronger by making all 4 of these sets WORKING sets. The superset set with the band is to optimize shoulder stability. Remember if you want strong pressing muscles then you need a bigger and stronger back to use as a platform, this is another reason we are obsessed with developing the back side of the body. The front side will always be limited by what it can do, based on the capacity and stability on the backside of the body.

Conditioning today is a doozy, one that is similar to a benchmark workout “Elizabeth” but with box jumps!

Warm up (Checkmark)

3:00 jump rope (any style, great time for “practice”


5 Banded pass through

5 band pull a aparts

5 band pull a parts (overhead)

5 Banded strict press

5 banded upright row

15 banded good morning

3 rounds


Bench Press (4×5 bench press
75-801rm is goal here
Execute 4×15 banded pull a parts after each set of bench press. )
Dip and Hinge (Time)



Power clean (155/105lb.)

Box jump over (30/24’)

Ring dip

For time.



Power clean (95/65lb.)

Box jump over (24/20’)

Ring dip (banded or box dip)

For time.



Power clean (65/45lb.)

Box jump over (12/8’)

Bench Dip or Push up

For time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Single arm bent DB Bent row

3×12 each arm