3:00 Row or bike
5 Banded or PVC Pass through
6 Scorpion
12 Mountain Climbers
2 rounds
10 Curtsy squat
5 Barbell muscle Snatch
:30 Row
2 rounds
3 Hang Snatch
3 Power snatch
6 Box step up (no weight)
3 rounds
4 rounds for max reps of:
1 minute of snatches
1 minute of rowing for calories
1 minute of dumbbell box step-ups
1 minute of rest
F: 85lb barbell, 35lb dumbbells, 20-inch box
M: 135lb barbell, 50lb dumbbells, 20-inch box
3×10 Barbell Bicep Curl
3x 12 Dumbbell Kick back each arm
Rest as needed between supersets.