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WOD – Tue, Apr 2


Skills for zombie survival! Jk, rope climbing will be useful for much more than finding your way into my end of days bunker, but seriously it will be the only way in. Spend time refining and enhancing rope climbs today. This is much more a skill than it is a capacity, if you can hang from a rope, you can climb it, and it shoudln’t be limited by your arm strength or grip stamina. Surprisingly this is limited by your ability to clamp the rope with your feet properly and use your hip flexors to life your legs for th next clamp.

Then in the conditioning, we get a chance to practice our skills!

Warm up (Checkmark)

200m Run

50 Jumping jacks

200m Run

50 Seal jacks


10 scorpion

10 Walking lunge

:10 banded supinated hang

10 Air squat

2 rounds

Skills and practice (Checkmark)

15:00 practicing rope climbs

  • practice mechanics of grasping rope with feet by learning how to pinch or how to wrap!
Zombieland (AMRAP – Reps)


1:00 shuttle run

1:00 rope climb

1:00 wallball (11/10ft.) (20/14lb.)

1:00 REST

4 rounds for max reps


1:00 shuttle run

1:00 rope climb

1:00 wallball (11/10ft.) (14/10lb.)

1:00 REST

4 rounds for max reps


1:00 shuttle run

1:00 rope climb

1:00 wallball (9/8ft.) (10/6lb.)

1:00 REST

4 rounds for max reps

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×24 Altenating DB curl


foam roll quads and glutes

(1-2 minutes each leg)