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WOD – Fri, Apr 12
Paint Night with Coach Bailey. Friday April 19th, 630-830pm. All proceeds will go to support Jamie V and her fight against Breast Cancer. $35. Sign up on the board and reserve your spot. All are welcome, bring a friend or neighbor and a treat/snack to share.


Today we combine strength and skills prior to the conditioning then do it again! We’ve allotted more minutes between working sets of deadlifts in order to really focus on going heavy each set, but also refining the skills and mechanics of our ring muscle up. Our conditioning today then includes a chance to combine the 2 of them together. Scale the ring muscle up so you can hit the stimulus 6-7 rounds in the prescribed time domains.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

10/7 Cal Row

10 Banded good morning

:10 dead hang from rig or rings

:10 Ring support or top push up hold

3 rounds


5 empty barbell deadlift

5 Ring Row

5 Ring dip or Ring push up

5 Air Squat

3 rounds

Strength/Skill (4 Rounds for reps)

Deadlift + Ring muscle up

Every 4:00 x 4 sets

Execute a set of 3 heavy touch and go deadlifts


Some ring muscle up skills and practice (on low rings for most and high rings for few.)

*This extra time to rest can be spent on refining the:

  • Low ring muscle up kneeling drill
  • Low ring, ring row muscle up
  • Seat strict ring muscle up
  • Jumping ring muscle up
  • False grip practice
  • Don’t do too many reps or acquire too much volume but it should be considered “practice” by effort.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)


3 Ring muscle up

6 Deadlift (255/175lb.)

12 Wallball (10/9ft.) (20/14lb.)

18:00 AMRAP


3 Jumping or Low Ring muscle up

6 Deadlift (185/125lb.)

12 Wallball (10/9ft.) (14/10lb.)

18:00 AMRAP


3 Ring dip + Ring Row (supporter by legs or bands)

6 Deadlift (95/65lb.)

12 Wallball (8/7ft.) (10/6lb.)

1:00 rest after each round

18:00 AMRAP

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3x 1:00 max reps banded tricep extension

1:00 Rest