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WOD – Thu, Mar 7


Today we open with some time upside, pick some skills for handstand walking/ holds that progress you / the group from where you are. Then we are back again for another option of Flow or Go. Remember, as the day prior to specific day we will hit the Open workout together today is a low “destruction” day. Which means you can hit it HARD and perhaps still feel good to get after it tomorrow and perform well. If you have been training hard all week, no doubt fatigue and soreness is building, so take today and dial back intensity and simply “flow” through it.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

50 Jumping jacks


50 Seal jacks


25ft. High knee’s

25ft. Butt kicks

25ft x 4 lateral shuffle

2 rounds


25ft. Forward bearcrawl

25ft. Backward bear crawl

25ft Right bear crawl lateral

25ft. Left bear crawl lateral

2 rounds


Skills (Checkmark)

15:00 handstand walk practice

– lunge to handstand

– Wall walk + Handstand walk away from wall

– Spotted Handstand walk (arm or PVC) Link:

– Handstand on wall + shoulder tap

– Lateral handstand walk over plates on wall Link:

– Handstand to forward roll (bailing practice/ refinement) Link:

Flow or Go 2 (AMRAP – Reps)

“Flow or go 2”

RXConditioning/ Intermediate/ Baseline:

1:00 Bike

1:00 lateral shuffle (25ft. )

1:00 row

1:00 Standing landmine Russian twist

1:00 alternating KB bent row (53/35lb.)

1:00 REST

5 rounds

Intermediate KB load: 35/20lb.

Baseline KB Load: 20/15lb.

No prescribed load for landmine Russian twist, be sure it’s something that moves well with form and can last the majority of the minute each round for work.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Behind the neck strict press

3×15 (light, quality, full ROM)