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WOD – Wed, Mar 6


Today we get after it with unilateral skills and drills. The pistol is effectively a single leg squat, many aren’t fans of it, it’s because they suck at it. There is no less value in training this move than the double leg squat, except it enhance balance, coordination, accuracy and agility even more than the double leg squat along with strength, flexibility and stamina. Then we get after a nasty chipper that will take big engines and strong legs to finish!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run

30/20 Cal Bike

30/20 Cal Row


1:00 Samson stretch each side

1:00 Couch stretch each side

1:00 Pigeon stretch each side


25ft forward squat walk (low squat walk)

25ft backwar squat walk (low squat backward)

2 rounds


5 sit ups

5 candlesticks

5 step ups each side

3 rounds

Pistol Skills (Checkmark)

Pistol mobility / practice drills

– candlestick

– Candlestick pistol

– High box step up and overs

– Supported pistol (holding band or rig)

– Counterbalance pistol (holding light plate or KB)

– Pistol to box

Long legs (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


16:00 AMRAP

400m run

100 air squat

75 abmat sit up

400 m run

75 wallball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

50 abmat sit up

400m run

50 alternating pistol (25 each leg)

25 abmat sit up

*if you fish restart!


16:00 AMRAP

400m run

100 air squat

75 abmat sit up

400 m run

75 wallball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)

50 abmat sit up

400m run

50 alternating pistol to box/ hold rig or band (25 each leg)

25 abmat sit up

*if you fish restart!


16:00 AMRAP

200m run

50 air squat (to box if need support)

25 abmat sit up

200 m run

30 wallball thruster (10/6lb.)

25 abmat sit up

200m run

30 alternating step ups

25 abmat sit up

*if you fish restart!

Cool Down (Checkmark)

**this work helps knees after all the squatting, do it! **

3×25 banded good morning


3x 10-15 GHD hip extension