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WOD – Tue, Mar 5


Like yesterday in our squats, we want to start heavy and stay heavy for the weighted chin ups. The goal is to see gains in our overall pulling strength here and for those who can’t do strict chin ups, they should focus on eccentricly loading their body by going slow on the way down each rep, and use the same approach with the HSPU or use a pike position from a box. Conditioning wise we have a simple triplet that involved 2 gymnstastics movements which are prepped and already a bit fatigued but now we can use the “kip” and a KB Swing. Be sure the KB swing is tough by realistic to go unbroken each time you pick it up.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 jump rope + double under practice


:20 Dead Hang

:20 Handstand hold against wall or top of push up hold

:20 Standing hamstring stretch

3 rounds


5 Kip swings

5 Scap HSPU (no elbow bend)

10 Light KB Swings

3 rounds


3 Strict pull up (or scaled version)

3 Strict HSPU (or scaled version)

3 sets


Push Pull Strength (4 Rounds for reps)

Every 3:00 x 4 sets

Weighted chin up

X 3


Strict handstand push up

X 5

** scale to a version that allows for unbroken. But Challenging reps. If strict is no problem for you then you should add a deficit!

9’s (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


9 pull up

9 kb swing (70/53lb.)

9 Kipping hspu

12:00 AMRAP

*American KB Swings, overhead, vertical KB*


9 pull up (banded)

9 kb swing (53/35lb.)

9 Kipping hspu (abmat/ shorter ROM)

12:00 AMRAP


9 jumping pull up/ Ring row

9 kb swing (20/10lb.)

9 DB push press (15/10lb.)

12:00 AMRAP

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Bench dip

2x max reps


Banded pull a part

2x 20 reps

Rest as needs between supersets.