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WOD – Fri, Mar 22
Week 3. 24.3 LCF Open winners are:
RX: Sarah Durate
Scaled: Cannon Cottle
Spirit of the Open: Sherry Parhman
Winners' pick up your prizes up from the LCF Office.


Primer lift on the deadlifts today. The goal is to build up to a heavy without building too much fatigue to take away from the conditioning! Use this as a platform to help decide what kind of weight you can use for the conditioning. This conditioning today is a highly cyclical triplet that will allow for 30 rounds for the some and 20-25 rounds for others. The goal is to be challenged by the load but not need more than :20 to rest before approaching the bar after finishing pull ups.

Warm up (Checkmark)

400m Run


3 inch worm

6 Spider-Man

6 Scorpion

10 scap pull up

3 rounds


5 empty barbell deadlift

5 Wallball squats

5 Wallball thrusters

3-5 strict pull up

2 rounds


Build barbells in warm up to first working set or base weight where you’ll start.

Deadlift (5-5-5-5
*These are building sets to prime you for the conditioning today!
You should be able to build well past the load you choose to use for today’s conditioning.
Circle Dance (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


3 Deadlift (275/185lb.)

5 Wallball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

7 Pull Up

30:00 AMRAP


3 Deadlift (225/155lb.)

5 Wallball (14/10.) (10/9ft.)

7 Pull Up (banded)

30:00 AMRAP


3 Deadlift (135/95lb.)

5 Wallball (10/6lb.) *adjusted height*

7 Pull Up (jumping pull up/ Ring Row)

30:00 AMRAP

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×20 Hollow hold PVC Band pull overs