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WOD – Tue, Mar 19


Heavy pull on the pull ups. The goal is to gain strength by using all of these sets as working sets! Then we run fast and flex through the trunk. The goal is to push the run so you can get several rounds in but equally, you want to go for broke on the toes to bar. This is a workout that is similar to a benchmark “Nicole” with running and pull ups. So yes, we want more rounds, but equally we want big sets. Let go of the idea of competing beside the person next to you, and really focus on the “stimulus” of this training combo. The goal is to scale the skill to something where you know you can a minimum of 10-15 reps each round. This means some may need to hybrid approach this with 5-6 RX’d toes to bar then keep hanging on for knee’s to chest!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

200m run

:20 dead hang

X 2 rounds


3-5 Scap pull up

10 Standing straight leg kick (hamstring opener)

10 Alternating jack knife

5 Hip down push up

2 rounds


Prep strict pull up or scale for strength work

Weighted Pull-ups (Weighted/ Strict Pull Up
Every 3:00 x 5 sets
3-5 weighted pull ups or strict eccentric pull ups
(Load up with a weight that allows for a strict pull up, and if you can’t do strict then you use a kip or jumping pull up to get over the rig and resist t)
Go fast, Go Big. (Time)


24:00 AMRAP

400m Run

Max reps Toes to bar


24:00 AMRAP

400m Run

Max reps hanging knee’s to chest


24:00 AMRAP

400m Run

Max reps Lying leg raise (holding onto rig or KB)

*scale to V ups of alternating V ups if can’t hang.

Scale Run to row or bike for equivalent distance if can’t run.

Note the reps you accomplish each round too!

Cool Down (Checkmark)

1:00 Cobra hold

1:00 couch stretch each leg