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WOD – Mon, Mar 18


Long week! This will be a week we focus on longer time domains, we will have some heavy lifting to get done but overall the domains will be build out a touch more to develop more local muscle stamina and general endurance. It’ll allow for intensity to throttle down just a touch and get great adaptations on less physical stress!

Warm up (Checkmark)

3:00 row or Bike


20 jumping jack

10 pass through (PVC)

10 Band pull through (band at rig, pull under legs, band between legs, mimic KB Swing posture)

3 rounds


5 push up (clapping if possible)

7 KB Swing (build each round)

3 rounds for quality


prep bench press station for strength work.

Bench Press (Every 3:00 x 4 sets
Execute 8 challenging reps. )
A dirty 30 (AMRAP – Reps)


1:00 max reps bench press (135/85lb.)

1:00 max box jump (step down) (24/20’)

1:00 max cal Bike

1:00 max Russian KB Swing (70/53lb.)

1:00 max Cal Row

1:00 Rest

5 rounds


1:00 max reps bench press (95/55lb.)

1:00 max box jump (step down) (20/14’)

1:00 max cal Bike

1:00 max Russian KB Swing (53/35lb.)

1:00 max Cal Row

1:00 Rest

5 rounds


1:00 max reps bench press (75/45lb.)

1:00 max box jump (step down) (12/6’)

1:00 max cal Bike

1:00 max Russian KB Swing (35/20lb.)

1:00 max Cal Row

1:00 Rest

5 rounds

Cool Down (Checkmark)

1:00 pigeon stretch each leg

1:00 chest stretch (rig or wall) each side