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WOD – Thu, Mar 14
Week 2. 24.2 LCF Open winners are:
RX: Lyndsay Wilson
Scaled: Jake Thurgood
Spirit of the Open: Brandi Ameye
Winners' amazing prizes will be presented at Friday Nights Throwdown.


Go hard or go easy, the goal today is to be a low destructive training day so we can full send the open tomorrow and finish this thing like we mean business! Get a sweat and pump today, leave feeling better than when you started!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

100 Seal jacks (arms stay at chest height)


10 Spiderman

25ft. Forward bear crawl

25ft. Backward bear crawl

25ft. Lateral bear crawl

25ft. Lateral bear crawl (opposite)

2 rounds


Shoulder work

Prone Y,T,W 2×10 each


Flow or Go 3 (AMRAP – Reps)

“Flow or Go 3”


1:00 Turkish Get up (35/20lb.)

1:00 Sled Push (light weight, march pace, no sprints)

1:00 Row or Bike

1:00 Candle stick

1:00 Bike or Row

1:00 AMRAP 10 Banded tricep extension + 10 Banded Curl

5 rounds for work or flow

Intermediate + Baseline both same prescription today!

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Landmine ration clean and press


3×10 each side