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WOD – Mon, Apr 1


Large chunk, chipper sequence rep scheme but for time. Often we train reps in this type of scheme of 30’s as 1 round for time, but today we accumulate quite a bit of volume each round and repeat for a total of 3 rounds! Go heavy on all the back squats today as strength development and really use the skill work time to not just prep but to enhance your ability to execute pistols.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run


10 Walking Lunge

10 Sipderman + twist (5 each leg)

10 Scorpion

10 Narrow air squats

10 Kipping swings

2 rounds

Skills (Checkmark)

Pistol / pull up

10:00 skills and drills to progress pistols:

  • deep single leg step up
  • Band or rig supported pistol
  • Pistol to a box
  • Pistol with heel elevated
  • Counterbalance pistols (holding plate)
Back Squat (Back squat
All working sets
75-80 1rm goal! )
30 Thirds (Time)


30 V Up

30 pull up

30 pistol

3 rounds for time


30 V Up (modified ROM)

30 pull up (banded pull up)

30 pistol to box

3 rounds for time


30 Knee up Crunch

30 jumping pull up (or leg supported pull up)

30 Pistol to box + holding rig/ step up

3 rounds for time

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×10 reverse scap push up